Monday, April 22, 2013

I like lists!

I love to make lists. And countdowns. I will list or count down to almost anything, I even have a countdown app on my phone. Now, I have recently come to the realisation that I am probably a bit of a houseplant hoarder and definitely an avid collector. If I am at the store and I see a plant I do not have yet, guaranteed it will be coming home! With a few exceptions I don't have very many duplicates of the same type of plant, the main defactor to this is Schefflera. In the past I wasn't a Schefflera fan, no real reason, they just didn't do much for me. I bought a small one to add to the collection and that was it. Then I bought a lot of plants from Kijiji for $10 that included a fairly large Schefflera specimen, and into the window it went. THEN I found another, again on Kijiji (yay!) for $10 that was HUGE, so I got that one too. AND THEN Craig brought me home a Schefflera he rescued from being tossed out at work and HOLY CRAP it is about 6 feet tall and literally a tree! So now I have four of the very plant I used to somewhat dislike. Anyways, I decided to walk around my house and make a list (LISTS!<3) of all the plants I have, just to really get an idea of what my collection is like. Here's my list:

-pink calla lily
-phalaenopsis orchid
-polka dot plant
-small green/yellow palm (unsure what kind)
-variegated pothos
-pink geranium
-sago palm
-christmas cactus
-variegated english ivy
-green english ivy
-small african violet
-hen and chicks
-2 baby spider plants
-tiny baby hen and chick
-baby deiffenbachia
-purple velvet plant
-small jade plant
-silver nerve plant
-earth star bromeliad
-strange Ikea succulent
-crown of thorns
-kalanchoe w/purple flowers
-small succulent garden (3 different)
-lucky bean
-medium deiffenbachia
-medium african violet
-peace lily
-china doll
-large jade plant
-small schefflera
-black calla lily
-snake plant
-red dracaena
-small agave
-large deiffenbachia and spider plant (same pot)
-lime green pothos
-spider plant in hanging pot
-lipstick plant
-2 round cactus (same pot)
-money tree
-small cactus garden (3 different)
-ponytail palm
-small lucky bamboo
-aloe vera
-marimo (lives in the aquarium)
-spiral lucky bamboo
-ardisia (still alive after Christmas!)
-tall dracaena
-large succulent type vine (unsure what it actually is)
-corn plant
-medium schefflera
-two large spider plants
-large schefflera
-huge schefflera tree
-ficus benjamina
-big twisty dracaena (friends with huge schefflera)
-sad ugly rehab pothos (trying to revive from an office building)

That's all of them! 62 list entries... holy crap, I have quite a collection! Well that's all for now, pictures are of the two biggest schefflera. Hope you liked my list!

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